Checkout settings

The settings for the checkout allow you to configure the checkout process of your shop.

In the sidebar of the administration, navigate to SettingsCheckout.

In this section, you have the following options:

  • On the tab General under Legal notes, you can determine if your customers will have to accept your Terms and Conditions before completing their order and if they'll have to confirm that they waive their right to cancel before completing their order (which is common for some types of products).
  • On the tab General under Order value, you can define a minimum order value, so that, if an order does not meet that value, customers will not be able to go to checkout.
  • Under Address fields, you can determine which address fields should be visible or required at checkout. If you mark a field as "Required", your customers will need to fill out this field in order to complete the checkout process.
  • Under Custom texts, you can edit the texts that are displayed to your customers in the different steps of the checkout.

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