Use the formatting options for text

There are various options for including custom text in your shop. One of them is to add content elements with text to pages.
You can find all those elements under Content elements → Text in the sidebar of your Editor.

After you have entered your text, you can format it according to your needs using the following options. Note that the respective formatting option is only applied to the parts of your text that you have selected/marked.

For some instances e.g. headings for content elements or for product descriptions, only a few of the options below are available.
Option Description
Text formatting Select this option to choose a text style for the selected text. The text style defines the text size and the applied font. You can select between:
  • Normal text
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2
  • Heading 3
Bold Display the selected text in bold.
Italic Display the selected text in italics.
Underline Underline the selected text.
Quote Format the selected text as a quote.

Add a link to the selected text. This will only slightly highlight the text. If you already added a link as a button via Button with link to the text, this option is not available. In this case you’ll need to remove the button first.

This is how you add a link:

  • If you want to add an internal link to a page or product in your shop, select Pages or Products. You can then select the item you want to link to. Alternatively, you can also enter search terms in the field Enter link or search page/product to more easily find the item you would like to link to. Internal links will open in the same tab.


    You can also select products via the link picker that are currently set as not visible in the product settings. Even if a product is set as not visible, it can still be accessed via its URL. However, it can't be ordered.
  • If you want to add a link to an external website, enter the desired link in the field Enter link or search page/product. External links will open in a new tab.

Confirm by selecting Apply link to the right of the link field.

The respective text is now highlighted and linked. Your customers will be forwarded to the corresponding product/page when they select the text.

To change/edit the link, select the linked text part and select Edit link next to the link field.

To remove the link, select the linked text part and select Delete link next to the link field or Remove link in the toolbar.

Remove link Remove a link if you have already added one.
Numbered list Format the selected text in a numbered list. Each line is shown as a separate list item.
Bullet list Format the selected text in a list of bullet points. Each line is shown as a separate list item.
Allign left Align the selected text to the left.
Allign center Align the selected text to the center.
Allign right Align the selected text to the right.
Button with link

Add a link to the selected text and display it as a button. If you already added a link via Link to the text, this option is not available. In this case you’ll need to remove the link first.

This is how you add a link:

  • If you want to add an internal link to a page or product in your shop, select Pages or Products. You can then select the item you want to link to. Alternatively, you can also enter search terms in the field Enter link or search page/product to more easily find the item you would like to link to. Internal links will open in the same tab.


    You can also select products via the link picker that are currently set as not visible in the product settings. Even if a product is set as not visible, it can still be accessed via its URL. However, it can't be ordered.
  • If you want to add a link to an external website, enter the desired link in the field Enter link or search page/product. External links will open in a new tab.

Confirm by selecting Apply link to the right of the link field.

The respective text is now displayed as a button and linked. Your customers will be forwarded to the corresponding product/page when they select the button.

To change/edit the link, select the button and select Edit link next to the link field.

To remove the link, select the button and select Delete link next to the link field or Remove button in the toolbar.

Remove button Remove a button if you have already added one.
Font colour Change the font colour of the selected text. For further information regarding the colour settings, refer to Learn more about the colour settings.

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